Road milling Teeth Maintenance Tips

Road milling Teeth Maintenance Tips

The best thing you can ever do is to ensure that your road milling teeth are kept in the best condition at all times. Unfortunately, most people do not find it necessary to maintain the road milling teeth. In such a case, the teeth are likely to turn into bad shape within a very short duration. If you just bought replacement teeth for your road miller, then you need to understand some of the things you need to do in order to keep them in good shape. Here are some important tips you should consider in maintaining your road milling teeth:

Clean After Use

This is fundamentally the most important approach to ensuring that the road miller teeth are in the best condition. In this case, you must avoid waiting for too long in order to clean the teeth. This is because a prolonged period of uncleanliness will induce stubborn stains on the teeth, some of which can be adversely reactive. Therefore, you need to keep the teeth clean immediately after use.


One thing for sure is that metal is subject to corrosion. Most of the road milling teeth are made of steel, which, if exposed to wetness, can corrode. It is important, therefore, to ensure that the teeth are cleaned and thereafter greased. The grease plays the role of reducing the chances of corrosion. Also, greasing works by ensuring that the teeth are not directly exposed to wetness, which can also lead to corrosion.


The truth is that road milling teeth are directly exposed to tough and hard surfaces. In some instances, the teeth cut through hard rocks such that they can fast turn blunt. This is why you are advised to ensure that the teeth are sharpened and thoroughly so. Make sure that the teeth are regularly sharpened.

Regular Inspection

It will interest you to know that some of the damages that emerge on road milling teeth start as small defects and gradually turn into major flaws. Instead of waiting for major damages to occur, you should be keen on inspecting the teeth and embarking on the necessary repairs.